Eruvin Daf Dalet

רש״י ד, ב

ארון תשעה וכפורת טפח - ארון גובהו תשעה טפחים דכתיב (שמות כ״ה:כ״ב) ואמה וחצי קומתו וכפורת טפח הרי עשרה וכתיב ודברתי אתך מעל הכפורת ותניא בפ"ק דסוכה (ד' ה.) רבי יוסי אומר לעולם לא ירדה שכינה למטה מעשרה דכתיב השמים שמים לה' והארץ נתן לבני אדם ולמטה מעשרה טפחים חשיב ארץ דכתיב ודברתי אתך מעל הכפורת אלמא עשרה הוי מחיצה דלמעלה מעשרה לא חשיב ליה רשות תחתית אלא רשותא אחריתי:

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Eruvin 4

סוכה ה,א

ותניא ר' יוסי אומר מעולם לא ירדה שכינה למטה ולא עלו משה ואליהו למרום שנאמר (תהלים קטו, טז) השמים שמים לה' והארץ נתן לבני אדם

and it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yosei says: The Divine Presence never actually descended below, and Moses and Elijah never actually ascended to heaven on high, as it is stated: “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, and the earth He gave to the children of man” (Psalms 115:16), indicating that these are two distinct domains. Apparently, from ten handbreadths upward is considered a separate domain. Consequently, any sukka that is not at least ten handbreadths high is not considered an independent domain and is unfit.


Boundaries are about respect for both sides. Not just respect but a deep acknowledgement that the other must be in its space and have its space to exist. The heavens cannot come to earth without subverting either’s identity.


You see your child’s diary on the kitchen table. Do you look at it ? What will you will find out?  Does it matter if the other person doesn’t know?


You see your spouse's phone flashes momentarily with a text, do you turn your eye away or do you crane your neck to seek? 

You can tell yourself you have a “right to know”. Maybe you do. G-d also has the “right” to do as He pleases. However, when a boundary is crossed both sides are damaged and lose a part of their identity. What is seen cannot be unseen. If there was mistrust, checking up on the other rarely if ever restores trust. There is a mitzvah of v’halachta bedrachav, to emulate G-d’s ways. Even G-d respects boundaries.

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Eruvin 4

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria

Photo Abba Mari Rav Chaim Feuerman, Ed.D. ZT"L Leiyluy Nishmaso

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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