Webinars - NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
Showing Results 1 - 40 (598 total)


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These are professional trainings. Please connect with yours and/or your client’s hallachic guide to allow for your and your client’s cultural and religious needs.
Select Your Licensing State and Profession to Find CEs for You
Vax Up or Mask Up! Understanding Covid-19 Vaccine Safety and Protective Efficacy.
Presenter: Dr. Robert Edelman, MD
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Cost: $39.99
Dynamic Supervision and Leadership, Management Seminar!
Presenter: Multiple Presenters
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 12
Cost: $198.00
18 Hour Supervision Package
Presenter: Multiple Presenters
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 18
Cost: $297.00
Supervision: Influencing Others
Presenter: Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director, CE You LLC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Presenter: Rozi Wax, MA, LMFT, LMHC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Brain
Cost: $29.99
Supervision: Leaderships skills
Presenter: Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach, Jacqueline Garrick, LCSW-C, ACSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.00
NYS Mandated Reporter Training
Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Krase, JD, MSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Tags: NYS Mandated Reporter
Cost For Member: $9.99
Cost: $19.99
Breaking Rules, Unlocking Potential and Influencing your People! A Supervision Training
Presenter: Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director, CE You LLC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Lateral Leadership – Influencing without Authority - A Supervision Workshop
Presenter: Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Leadership Skills for Clinical Supervisors and a Workplace Promise
Presenter: Jacqueline Garrick, LCSW-C, ACSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.00
Supervising Successful Teams
Presenter: Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Innovative Health! The 1st Annual CE You! CME Conference
Presenter: Multiple Presenters
Previously Recorded Cost: $229.99
Implicit Bias: Reducing Barriers and Disparities in Delivery of Health and Mental Health Services (1 CME/ CE Credit)
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Cost: $25.99
Exploring Antisemitism and Therapeutic Alliance
Presenter: Aliza Scharf-Bendov, LCSW-C
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
"Why can't I propose?": Relationship OCD and its association with dating indecision and other relationship difficulties
Presenter: Ruchama Fund, Ph.D.
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Cost For Member: $30.00
Cost: $40.00
Unraveling the Nexus of Antisemitism: Historical, Biblical, Clinical, and Psychosocial Perspectives
Presenter: Rabbi Berel Wein and Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Cost For Member: $30.00
Cost: $40.00
How To Talk So Yeshivas Will Listen & How to Listen So Yeshivas Will Talk
Presenter: Elan Javanfard LMFT & Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Cost For Member: $30.00
Cost: $40.00
The Great NEFESH Online Connect!
Presenter: TBA
Previously Recorded
Cost For Member: $0.00
Cost For Student: $0.00
Cost: $0.00
Ignite Talks
Presenter: Moderated By: Elan Javanfard, MA, LMFT
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1.5
Cost For Member: $20.00
Cost: $30.00
Understanding Chronic Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
Presenter: Robin S Cohen, PhD, PsyD
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: DC Public Health Priorities
Cost: $59.99
Self-Disclosure: An Ethical Approach to “Knowing What to say, When to Say it, and How to Say it”
Presenter: Tonya Logan, LCSW-C, LICSW, Founder and CEO, Kayla’s Village
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Novel Approaches to the Assessment and Management of Adolescent Suicidal Behavior
Presenter: David A. Brent, MD
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Suicide Prevention
Cost For Member: $19.99
Cost: $24.99
Telehealth Ethics for Today and For the Future: Creating an A Online Practice! 3 CE Credits
Presenter: Sherrie L. Ludwick, LCPC, NCC, SEP
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Exploring Ethical Obligations: Boundaries, Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting
Presenter: Kathryn Krase
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: DC Public Health Priorities
Cost: $59.99
Ethics: Choosing Humility in Work with Diverse Populations (3 CE Credits - Ethics)
Presenter: Keisha Atlee, LCSW-C
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
The Big Picture: Guiding Clients through Grief and Loss
Presenter: Sherrie L. Ludwick, LCPC, NCC, SEP
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Mental Health and Judaism: An open discussion
Presenter: Rav Aaron Lopiansky
Previously Recorded
Cost For Member: $0.00
Cost: $9.99
NEFESH ZoomTalks!
Presenter: Facilitated by David Katzenstein, DSW, LCSW-R
Previously Recorded
Cost For Member: $0.00
Cost: $29.99
The Psychoanalytic Approach to the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Presenter: Rachelle Heinemann, LMHC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost For Member: $39.99
Cost: $59.99
The Lower Lobby: Work The Network!
Presenter: Facilitated by Chaim Neuhoff, PhD and Dovid Becker, LCSW
Previously Recorded
Cost For Member: $0.00
Cost: $25.99
(FREE COMMUNITY PROGRAM) How to Stay Safe When You Choose a Therapist: Recognition, Treatment and Prevention of Abuse by the People We Turn To For Help
Presenter: PRESENTER: Nachum (Andrew) Klafter, MD
Previously Recorded Cost: $0.00
Helping Clients through Grief and Loss
Presenter: Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Effective Communication Strategies for Difficult Conversations - A Supervision Training
Presenter: Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Psychodynamic Techniques for Advanced Therapists
Presenter: Nachum Andrew Klafter, MD
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 7.5
Cost: $129.99
The Intimacy Webinar Package
Presenter: Talli Y. Rosenbaum, MSc., Certified Sex Therapist, Talli Rosenbaum, M.Sc., CST
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Tags: Couples,Intimacy,talli
Cost: $99.99
The Four Modules of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: 12 Week (12 CE) Workshop
Presenter: Dr. Yosef Posy
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 12
Cost: $199.99
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Presenter: Dr. Yosef Posy
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 12
Tags: OCD
Cost: $199.99
Intakes, Ethics, Race and Reporting
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D., J.D., M.S.W., Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Hidden Depression, Suicide Prevention, Telehealth, and Ethics Webinar!
Presenter: Dr. Margaret Rutherford, Kim Cook, LCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Ethics, Mandated reporting, Social Justice, and Implicit Bias
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99