Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses an incident in which Rabbi Yochanan, displeased with his student, glared at him and reduced him to a pile of bones.

This phrase appears elsewhere in the Talmud regarding other sages who also glared at offenders, rendering them into a pile of bones (Berachos 58a, Shabbos 34a, and Bava Basra 75a). Some may take such statements literally, imagining the rabbi possessing a supernatural death-ray vision. OK, to each their own. However, the common-sense metaphorical meaning is that the person felt utterly censured and crushed under the weight of the sage’s withering disapproval. The phrase pile of bones is particularly apt because it describes how the person feels—completely broken—rather than a physical transformation.

Likkutei Moharan (Torah 98) offers a profound allegorical explanation of this phrase:

To fully appreciate his insight, we must examine the original Hebrew and its wordplay. The phrase in the Gemara states, He placed his eyes on him and made him into a pile of bones. Three key words in this phrase lend themselves to deeper interpretation:

  1. “Placing his eyes on him” – This typically means glaring, but literally translates as putting his eyes into him.
  2. “Pile” (גל, gal) – This can also mean revealed in Hebrew.
  3. “Bones” (עצם, etzem) – While it means bones, the root also implies firming over or blocking. For example, to close one’s eyes in Hebrew is le-otzem es einav (Yeshayahu 33:15), which can be understood as hardening over the eyes, as the eyelids tighten to protect and cover the eyes.

With these meanings in mind, we can reinterpret the phrase allegorically: The sage caused the student to see from his perspective, thus revealing to the student what had previously been blocked from his vision.

In other words, those who are less spiritually developed may not fully grasp the cosmic and spiritual implications of certain actions—or inactions. A lapse in judgment may seem trivial to the student, but the sage perceives its far-reaching consequences. When the rabbi reacts strongly, the student begins to see what his master sees. He is not literally turned into a pile of bones, but he now realizes the severity of his misstep and the spiritual calamity that requires rectification.

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool


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Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL is a psychotherapist who works with high conflict couples and families. He can be reached via email at simchafeuerman@gmail.com