Our Gemara on Amud Aleph cites a proof text that the Land of Israel is viewed as the highest land geographically. When discussing the process of resolving a Halachic question that local courts cannot adjudicate, the verse states (Devarim 17:8) that you shall “stand and ascend to the place God has chosen (i.e., the Sanhedrin located at the Temple in Yerushalayim).” Since there is an ascension, this implies Eretz Yisroel is the highest place.

A number of verses cited in Rabbinic literature indicate the elevated status of the Land of Israel(see Kiddushin 69b, Yirmiyahu 23:7-8, Sifri Devarim 316:1, Devarim 32:13, and Yeshayahu 58:14). Notably, when Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, he instructs them to “hurry and go back up to my father and tell him, ‘So says your son Yosef: God has made me a ruler over all of Egypt…’” (Bereishis 45:19). Rashi (ibid.) uses this verse (“go back up”) as another proof text that the Land of Yisroel is viewed as superior. Sefer Daf al Daf quotes the Sefer Ulelevi Amar as asking why Rashi chooses to make this comment on this verse when there are numerous others that allude to the height of the Land of Israel. Even within the Yosef epic, many verses refer to ascending to Eretz Yisroel and descending to Egypt (such as Bereishis 44:21 and 24). Ulelevi Amar explains that Rashi’s point here is to emphasize that, despite Yosef having become a sophisticated ruler of a world power, he saw himself as subordinate to his father and his hometown. It’s—le-havdil—like President Trump, who resides in the White House and other palatial domains as one of the most powerful and influential persons in the world, yet still refers to his hometown in Jamaica Estates, Queens, New York, with reverence.

As the world changes at an ever-faster pace—due to advances in research tools like AI, as well as building on accumulated wisdom and practical technology—we must be honest with ourselves and admit that, in certain ways, we may surpass other generations in our scope of understanding and sophistication if we apply ourselves in that direction. Information and learning theory are merging with philosophy as we grapple with what cognition and consciousness truly are, while we begin to make golems of our very own. It’s easy for our hubris to take over and, like Icarus, fly too close to the sun. We must absorb the lesson of Yosef: our ancestors and our ancestral home (in time, thought, and space) deserve reverence and a sense of their superiority, so we don’t lose sight of the moral principles and straightforward wisdom that come from tradition, rather than hyper-intellectualized analysis.

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool


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Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL is a psychotherapist who works with high conflict couples and families. He can be reached via email at simchafeuerman@gmail.com